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Conflict Essay - "Slumdog Millionaire" by Danny Boyle.

Describe ONE important conflict in the text (film).
Explain why the conflict helped you to understand an idea in the text (film).

   In the film Slumdog Millionaire directed by Danny Boyle, there is an important conflict presented between Prem Kumar- the rich, famous game show host and Jamal Malik, a poor 'slumdog' and a lucky game show contestant.

   The confict between these two characters is a big part of the plot in Slumdog Millionaire. Prem and Jamal have very different personalities which helps build the conflict. Prem is always arrogant and needs to feel superior and in control, while Jamal is humble and has strong hope. Jamal gets lucky in the game show 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' by progressing well through the questions. Prem cannot believe that Jamal had gotten so far by honest play so he assumes that Jamal is cheating. Prem becomes greatly determined to stop Jamal 'cheating' and progressing any further. This builds the tension between the two characters and results in conflict. Prem resorts to extreme methods to attempt to stop Jamal winning the grand prize.

   One technique used to show the conflict between Jamal and Prem is Cinematography. One example of this in the film is when Jamal and Prem. The camera shot is framed just showing the two of them sitting across from each other. The shot used was centered and a mid two-shot. The effect of this is the frame shows that they are opponents on the show. 

   Another example of cinematography in the film to show the conflict between Prem and Jamal is when they are in the game show studio and the show is just starting. Danny Boyle, the director, uses an wide overhead shot showing Prem and Jamal, and including the audience seated in the arena type setting. This shot is very effective because it shows the size of the studio and the audience to look like an arena which Prem and Jamal are in the middle of. They are facing each other which adds to the look that they are opponents. This increases the tension in the situation and builds suspense in the scene. 

   Another technique used to convey the conflict between Prem and Jamal is Music. This includes sound effects, live music, and background music.
There are two examples of this is during the game show. One is the live music in the game show, which includes the 'Who wants to be a Millionaire' theme song which creates the feeling that this is a big event that Jamal and Prem are in, against each other. The other is background music and sound effects. This music is used when Jamal is given a question in the hot seat from the host, Prem. The background music, for example a low humming noise and ticking is used in the film to create tension for Jamal as Prem confronts Jamal with critical questions as each question could end his time in the game if he does not answer correctly. The ticking resembles the sound of a clock which gives us the idea that Jamal is limited on time to answer which increases tension and intensity of the moment between Jamal and Prem. This example even more shows the two as opponents because they are on opposite sides of the critical questions.

   A third technique which Boyle uses to convey the conflict between the two characters is the use of gestures and dialogue. The gestures and dialogue between Prem and Jamal effectively show the viewer their differences of personality and point of view. One example of gestures and dialogue which convey the conflict is during the start of the game show when Jamal is being welcomed and introduced. Prem shows that he is the one in control and the boss by tossing jokes at Jamal and making him look inferior by mocking Jamal about being a 'slumdog' and a 'chai-wallah'. This is the moment where the whole conflict begins between them. 

   Another example of gestures and dialogue which convey the conflict is when Jamal is answering a critical question about a cricketer. Jamal decides on his final answer yet he is not completely sure of the answer. Prem uses this to try to persuade Jamal to choose the wrong answer but he fails. "So it could be 'B', Jack Hobbs!!!" This is what Prem says to try and drive Jamal away from the real answer which he knows Jamal has gotten correct. This example shows the viewer that Prem absolutely does not want Jamal to progress any further and eventually win. This elevates the conflict because they are disagreeing and almost arguing on the game show.

   The whole conflict between Prem and Jamal helped me to understand the main idea that love will conquer all. Specifically, Jamal's love for Latika. The dominant reason Jamal even went on the show in the first place was to get Latika's attention when she would hopefully watch the show. The extent of what Jamal goes through just for his love for Latika shows us that love conquered his life, his decisions. Jamal has to overcome many harsh experiences in his life. The viewer find out about his past and his experiences by flashbacks each time there is a question. He and his brother Salim had to live for themselves after their mother was killed in the anti-Muslim attacks and they struggled to get enough food to eat and to find shelter. He worked hard and persevered to get a proper job in the city of Mumbai and get out of the slums. The viewer can tell that Jamal has gone through a lot to get where he is which is not even a very good job. He met a very good friend, Latika in the slums who was also alone. Latika was the love of his life. Jamal ended up going to extreme lengths to find her which helped him overcome a lot. His love for Latika proved to be the most important thing in his life and he fought for it.

   The conflict between Prem and Jamal helped me understand the idea that love conquers all because the reason Jamal had face the conflict with Prem was because he wanted to find his love, Latika. So he conquered the conflict because of love. Boyle clearly showed us this idea well with the use of film techniques.